Keep Doing What Is Right

Keep Doing What Is Right | October 21, 2023
Two college students doing reasonably well in their physics class and disciplined in their curfew decided to stay out late and party the night before their final exam. They figured the test would be easy since they had been pulling high grades in the class all semester. However, they missed the examination because they were carousing into the early hours of the following day!
So they decided to come to class with an alibi. They told their teacher they had to visit a sick friend earlier that day but got a flat tire coming home, making them miss the test. The professor seemed sympathetic concerning their story, or at least it appeared that way. He told them, "You can make up the test right now, but you must simultaneously take the exam in separate rooms." He also informed them that the test would consist of just two questions. They happily agreed.
The first test question was physics-related, and the correct answer was worth 5 points. They got it right and were excited, thinking the rest of the test was a piece of cake, but that all changed when they saw the second question.
Question number two read, "Which tire on the car went flat and needed to be changed?" Their answers differed, and the professor failed them for missing the exam and lying.
Like these two college students, you may be tempted to let your guard down and rest on your prior success. You may also think a short-term break from your normally disciplined life is okay. It may be people-related; you're always treating others right, but you've been burned, and now it's time to be mean like everyone else. Before you regret something, consider the fallout and embrace the path God approves.
Galatians 6:9 says, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Sure, doing what is right can be frustrating and wear you out at times, but the easy way out isn't God's best. Therefore, trust God, don't give up, and keep doing what is right. God will honor your decision and give you the desires of your heart in His time.
So they decided to come to class with an alibi. They told their teacher they had to visit a sick friend earlier that day but got a flat tire coming home, making them miss the test. The professor seemed sympathetic concerning their story, or at least it appeared that way. He told them, "You can make up the test right now, but you must simultaneously take the exam in separate rooms." He also informed them that the test would consist of just two questions. They happily agreed.
The first test question was physics-related, and the correct answer was worth 5 points. They got it right and were excited, thinking the rest of the test was a piece of cake, but that all changed when they saw the second question.
Question number two read, "Which tire on the car went flat and needed to be changed?" Their answers differed, and the professor failed them for missing the exam and lying.
Like these two college students, you may be tempted to let your guard down and rest on your prior success. You may also think a short-term break from your normally disciplined life is okay. It may be people-related; you're always treating others right, but you've been burned, and now it's time to be mean like everyone else. Before you regret something, consider the fallout and embrace the path God approves.
Galatians 6:9 says, "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."
Sure, doing what is right can be frustrating and wear you out at times, but the easy way out isn't God's best. Therefore, trust God, don't give up, and keep doing what is right. God will honor your decision and give you the desires of your heart in His time.
Posted in Doing Good
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